Sobak's crawler

LogWriter Block

Log writers are blocks responsible exactly for what their name suggests, writing down the logs. Scrawler supports registering multiple log writers at the same time allowing to have information written e.g. to both console and the text file.

Furthermore, you can set verbosity level per logger so that scenarios in which console only shows important messages while textfile keeps everything including debug data are fully achievable. You could also have two text files with different details level each.

Finally, Scrawler follows PSR-3 so you can utilize various popular logger implementations for PHP, like Monolog.

When using third-party loggers it's advisable to use Scrawler's ability to set verbosity level, even if the external library has such capability, so that handling is consistent.

Log writers are registered using addLogWriter() method on the main Configuration class. You can pass the log level constant as the second parameter to limit log verbosity.

    ->addLogWriter(new ConsoleLogWriter(), LogLevel::INFO)
    ->addLogWriter(new TextfileLogWriter(), LogLevel::INFO)

Note that settings shown above are default as long as you use the DefaultConfigurationProvider.

Using less verbose logging (or less log writers) may slightly improve Scrawler's performance


This log writer outputs to the default interface of the commandline interface and has no special options.


Saves logs into the text file in the output directory. Optionally you can pass the filename as the second parameter. Otherwise crawler.log will be used.